
Body Safety & Consent Quiz


Congratulations! You’ve covered all the basics of body safety and consent with your child! Browse our catalogue of books and ALERTwear to help reinforce these concepts with your child.

Thank you for taking a step towards empowering yourself and your child with the right information about body safety and consent.

Browse our catalogue of books and ALERTwear to teach these concepts to your child.

#1. Have you taught your child the correct names of their private parts?

#2. Does your child have a warning word that they know how to use?

#3. Does your child know that they have at least 3 trusted adults who they can go to if they feel unsafe?

#4. Is your child aware of the importance of not keeping secrets from parents?

#5. Do you force your child to hug/kiss your family members even when he/she does not want to?


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