
Body Safety Starter Book Set

Three books to help you start talking to your child about body safety, consent and privacy.

  • Misha Says No – Teach kids about consent and how to set body boundaries
  • It’s Always There! – Teach kids about body boundaries
  • It’s Private! – Explain the concept of public and private to kids

Self-reading age: 5 to 8 years  | Read-aloud age: 3 years onward

What kids will learn from this book:
  • What a body boundary is
  • They decide who touches them and how they can say no if they don’t want to be touched
  • People who don’t respect body boundaries are tricky
  • Some body parts are private and shouldn’t be touched/seen by others except for specific situations
  • Certain areas in a home are also private and entering these areas needs permission
  • Some actual/real names of private parts
In all these books you will find:
  • Discussion questions:
  • Detailed reader’s guide to sharing the book with kids
  • Fun, age-appropriate content with beautiful illustrations


Why is it important to teach kids about body safety from a young age?

  • Children who are educated about body safety are better equipped to recognize-respond-report inappropriate/unsafe behavior and understand when someone is crossing boundaries.
  • Helps children to feel comfortable discussing uncomfortable topics, which is essential for building trust and seeking support when needed.
  • Gives children a sense of autonomy over their bodies and lays the foundation for healthy relationships throughout their lives.
  • Normalizes discussions about bodies, private parts, sexual health and boundaries, and makes it easier for children to disclose abuse or seek help without fear of judgment.
Weight 0.620 kg
Dimensions 24.13 × 17.8 × 0.3 cm


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body-safety-book-setBody Safety Starter Book Set