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Why is necessary to reinforce body safety and consent concepts for children on a regular basis?

As children grow, their contexts and environments change, making it necessary to adapt body safety lessons to suit their developmental stages. Regular discussions also build their confidence to assert boundaries, recognize inappropriate behavior, and seek help when needed. Moreover, ongoing reinforcement normalizes the conversation, making children more comfortable discussing these topics and more likely to report any concerns.


Body Safety 101 for Parents

A short, crisp guide for parents on the basics of body safety and consent which covers the following points:

  • Some statistics on child sexual abuse in India
  • Proactive steps parents can take to prevent child sexual abuse
  • What is body safety?
  • Why good touch/bad touch is not adequate
  • Elements of body safety with examples – Body boundaries, consent, safe/unsafe behaviour, secrets, private parts, safety network, exit strategies and feelings/instincts
  • How to start talking to your child about body safety?
Age-wise guide to teaching body safety & consent

General guidelines about how much a child must know about body safety at a specific age. Covers age 2 to 13 years.

How to talk to 5-year-olds about body safety

By age 5, kids begin asking increasingly detailed questions about topics like reproduction and even sex. Here are simple scripts that you can use to talk to your child about what they need to know at age five.

Building self-esteem

Building self-esteem in children is crucial for body safety, as it empowers them to assert their boundaries and seek help when needed. These simple trace and colour activity sheets are a great affirmations for your child.

Simple body safety activities

We need to reinforce body safety concepts to ensure that kids remember them and are empowered to speak up in unsafe situations. These activity sheets combine colouring, writing and activities to help reinforce body safety concepts.

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